Билет №1.

Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices.

These terms denote those language means by which utterances and their elements are for grounded.

Stylistically significant elements are effective and conscious and therefore they have a strong im­pact (влияние) on the reader or listener. And such language means which are called neutral and have a zero stylistic reference.

E.g. The soldiers rushed in (бросились)

       (No expressiveness)

       In rushed the soldiers.


Expressiveness can be understood as a kind of intensification (уси­лие) of the utterance (высказы­вание).

The expressive means of the language are:

ü      Phonetic

ü      Morphological

ü      Lexical

ü      Phraseological

ü      Syntactical

which exist in the language for a purpose of logical or emotional intensification of the utterance.

The stylistic device is a conscious (сознательное) intentional (преднамеренное) intensification of some semantic or structural property of a language unit.

In the text it is a stylistically marked unit. It requires efforts to decode it in treating the problem of stylistic devices we must bare in mind that a literary text is a complete undivided structure of into dependent elements.

Each element finds its justification and is important for the under­standing of the whole text.


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